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Born in China in 1999, Rie is an emerging artist whose creative journey has led her from Tama Art University to the esteemed corridors of UCL Slade School of Fine Art in London. Her artistic exploration converges on the interplay between mundane objects and the weighty sociocultural issues that define our times. Inspired by everyday items, Rie delves into their underlying structures and logics, using this research as a springboard to address broader social issues.


Rie's work, deeply rooted in the physicality of materials such as glass and ceramics, also draws inspiration from the expansive and emotive world of cinematic art, enriching her narratives with a layer of visual storytelling reminiscent of film. Her focus on everyday objects is not merely observational but analytical, leading to a reconsideration of the commonplace and its complex relationship with societal dynamics.


With a versatile toolkit that includes project-based innovation, immersive installations, poignant photography, dynamic videography, captivating performances, and intricate project based installation. Rie sets out to unveil the veiled distortions within our societal fabric. Her approach, now infused with cinematic techniques and a meticulous examination of everyday objects, invites a deeper engagement with themes and textures, much like a film unfolding before the viewer's eyes.


Rie is also actively involved in project-making amongst other artists and creators. She believes in the power of collaboration and the exchange of ideas, constantly seeking new and deeper understandings through the experience of workshops and projects. This collaborative spirit not only broadens her artistic horizons but also fosters a community of learning and innovation.


As a visual narrator, Rie's focus resonates deeply with themes of gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and political discourse. Her creations, grounded in the analysis of daily life and sparked by collaborative insights, beckon viewers to introspect and engage with narratives that challenge conventions and kindle contemplation. In this journey, cinematic art serves as a subtle yet powerful muse, guiding her exploration through the delicate dance between reality and imagination, where dialogues are sparked, perceptions are questioned, and the essence of our existence finds new dimensions.

1999年中国生まれ。2023年多摩美術大学彫刻学科卒業、ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン・スレイド(UCL Slade School of Fine Art)に進学します。日常でよく見かけるものに焦点を当て、ジェンダー平等、LGBTQの権利、政治問題などの重要な社会的な課題との関連性を追求することで、社会の歪みを表現しています。作品にはプロジェクトベース、インスタレーション、写真、映像、パフォーマンス、ガラス・陶器、そして文書など、さまざまな表現手法を使用しています。

これまでのテーマは、所有権を問い詰めた架空の「貸看板」、公的なものと私的ものの境界線を探る「街宣車」、日本における性のアンバランスを示す特徴「ラブホテル」など。これまではvogue italiaに写真作品を選出されたり、イタリア、イギリス、日本など様々な展示に参加しました。


Born in Guangdong Province, China, in 1999.

Graduated from high school in 2017.

Moved to Japan. Enrolled in Melos Language Academy.

Studied at Melos Language Academy in 2018.

Graduated from Melos Language Academy in 2019.

Graduated from Tama Art University, Sculpture Department, in 2023.

Enrolled in University College London (UCL) Slade School of Fine Art for Master of Fine Arts (MFA).




  • 2020

    • Selected for Photo Vogue Italia

    • Honorable Mention in Japan Photo 2020 Spring/Summer

  • 2023

    • Selected for Excellent Works in Graduation Production 2023, Tama Art University

    • Ezoe Recruit Foundation Art Division Scholarship

  • 2024

    • The Batsford Prize 2024 Best Fine Art Award (London)

    • Won Best Stage Design for <An Ideal Husband> (London)

Exhibitions/Event Curations

  • 2021

    • "1/35 Exhibition" by Tama Art University Sculpture Department (Kanagawa)

    • AURA (London, UK)

    • Nijikake Classroom (Tokyo)

    • ICON (London, UK)

    • Sumida Mukojima EXPO 2021 Nokinshita Project (Tokyo)

  • 2022

    • Solo Exhibition at Hotel "Kotoba" (Kanagawa)

    • Concurrent Exhibition (Tama Art University Sculpture Gallery) - Curated

    • Site of Intervention (Tokyo) - Curated

    • CONTEMPORARY VENICE (Venice, Italy)

  • 2023

    • Graduation Production Exhibition, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tama Art University (Hachioji Campus)

    • Joint Graduation Degree Exhibition of Five Tokyo Art Universities(Tokyo)

    • Boats Beats Breads Sound Camp (Yamanashi) - Curation

    • Interlude - Slade Interim Show (London)

    • Stage Design for <An Ideal Husband> (London)

  • 2024

    • Extreme Tea Party (Tokyo) - Curation

    • The Dazzling Edge Of Darkness (London)

    • The Batsford Award Exhibition(London) 



Qualifications: Gas Welding Certification, Boat License, Hunting License 







1999年  中国広東省生まれ

2017年  高校卒業    



2018年  メロス言語学園在学

2019年  メロス言語学園卒業

2023年 多摩美術大学 彫刻学科卒業

             ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(UCL Slade School of Fine Art) MFA 入学






  • 2020年

    • Photo Vogue Italia 入選

    • Japan Photo 2020春夏 佳作受賞

  • 2023年

    • 多摩美術大学卒業制作優秀作品2023 選出

    • 江副リクルート財団アート部門奨学生

  • 2024年

    • The Batsford Prize 2024 Best Fine Art Award(ロンドン) 受賞

    • <An Ideal Husband> 舞台美術ベストデザイン(ロンドン) 受賞


  • 2021年

    • 多摩美術大学彫刻学科1分ノ35展 (神奈川県)

    • AURA(イギリス、ロンドン)

    • 虹かけ教室(東京都)

    • ICON(イギリス、ロンドン)

    • すみだ向島EXPO2021軒下プロジェクト(東京都)

  • 2022年

    • ホテル「コトバ」(神奈川県) 個展

    • 同時進行展(多摩美術大学彫刻ギャラリー) キュレーション

    • 介入現場(東京都) キュレーション

    • CONTEMPORARY VENICE(イタリア、ヴェネツィア)

  • 2023年

    • 多摩美術大学美術学部卒業制作展(多摩美術大学八王子キャンパス)

    • 東京五美術大学連合卒業・修了制作展

    • Boats Beats Breads sound camp(山梨県) 企画

    • Interlude - Slade interim show(ロンドン)

    • <An Ideal Husband> 舞台美術(ロンドン)

  • 2024年

    • エクストリーム茶会(東京都) 企画

    • The Dazzling Edge Of Darkness(ロンドン)

    • The Batsford Awards(ロンドン)






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